Saturday, December 31, 2011

Moshi, Tanzania (Dec.13-15)

For the holidays Derrick and I ventured into Tanzania.  While our main goal was to spend as much time as possible in Zanzibar, we took the bus and made some stops along the way.  Our first stop in Tanzania (after a 24 hour bus ride) was Moshi.

Here Derrick is looking pensively at Mt. Kilimanjaro.  As time passes and I add more photos to my blog, you will find that Derrick likes to stare thoughtfully at many things.

Our hotel was beautiful.  The owners were also super nice and helpful.

The hotel kept leopard tortoises.

This tortoise

took really big dumps.

On our full day in Moshi we went to see a waterfall and underground caves where the Chagga people hid from the Masai during a period of warfare.

Man stares at waterfall.

Where's Waldo?...I mean Derrick.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Stacey. You guys both look really good. Thank you for posting the pictures-I was gonna ask you to bring me a tortoise back...until I saw the size of its shit!!! No thanks! And despite the clear warnings I could not resist looking at all the slaughter pictures. Wow!! Is all I can say. Love you and continue to take care. Diane.
